Our mission: to create space for social and personal change; train local social and public service professionals, community leaders, and citizens in Theatre of Liberation tools; and engage our community in dialogue through the art of audience-engaged theater productions.


Social Change

"Social change can be defined as the way in which human interactions, relationships, behavior patterns, and cultural norms change over time. These changes ultimately transform cultural and social institutions, concepts, and rules, which will inevitably impact society for the long-haul."  

~ University of the People

"People start to heal the moment they feel heard"   

~ Cheryl Richardson


"One fundamental aspect of the performing arts is their capacity to amplify marginalised voices and offer a platform for the expression of diverse perspectives."

~ David Woodhead


The speaker is seen and can transform through sharing their story, and other participants respect, serve, and learn from the speaker's story, as well.

Quote about Theatre of Liberation: 

“We believe that people have the wisdom to figure out what they need; our process recognizes this wisdom and provides opportunities to share stories and rehearse concrete actions and possible solutions for real challenges.”